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Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR) icon

Procedure Name

Laparoscopic Umbilical Hernia Repair Surgery
Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR) icon

Surgery Type

Minimally Invasive Procedure
Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR) icon

Hospital Stay

Nil (Out Patient Procedure)
Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR) icon

Duration of Surgery

30-45 min
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Type of Anesthesia

General Anaesthesia
Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR) icon

Full Recovery

4-6 weeks


You may be surprised to learn that a hernia can be of several types, although most of them occur in the abdominal region. One such type of hernia that is commonly seen in infants and adults, is an umbilical hernia. 

An umbilical hernia is a medical condition in which part of the intestine or other tissues of the abdominal cavity protrudes out of the weak abdominal muscle around the navel or belly button. 

Though not each case of umbilical hernia needs treatment, sometimes for infants and in a lot of instances for adults, surgical intervention may be necessary to repair an umbilical hernia and resolve its symptoms. One of the most popular surgical techniques for treatment in recent times is laparoscopic umbilical hernia repair. 

Continue reading to discover more about umbilical hernia and laparoscopic umbilical hernia surgery.

What Is An Umbilical Hernia?

As the name suggests, an umbilical hernia is an abnormal protrusion or bulge of intestinal or other abdominal cavity tissues through a weak spot in the abdominal muscle wall around the navel or belly button. The hernia is called so because the navel is also referred to as the umbilicus. For a hernia to be classified as an umbilical hernia, it has to be present within 3 cm of the navel or belly button. Umbilical hernias are very common in children and resolve by themselves in most cases by the time the child is two. They are also fairly common in adults.

The umbilical cord is a long, coiled, tube-like structure that connects the baby with the mother in the womb. It passes through a small opening in the baby's abdominal muscles during the gestation period (when the baby is inside the womb). This opening usually closes immediately after the birth of the child. However, if the midline muscles of the abdominal wall do not come together or completely seal in the baby’s body, an umbilical hernia can develop at birth or later in life. 

In adults, an umbilical hernia may develop due to excess fluid in the abdominal cavity, a previous abdominal surgery, or chronic peritoneal dialysis (treatment for kidney failure). Risk factors such as being overweight or obese, being pregnant, and conditions such as chronic cough increase the chances of developing an umbilical hernia in adults. 

An umbilical hernia looks like a swelling or bulge near the navel. If present in babies, the bulge may be visible only when they cry, cough, or strain. However, they are usually painless. In adults, an umbilical hernia may be associated with pain and abdominal discomfort. If the abdominal wall constricts around the hernia, it can cut off circulation to the bulge and cause severe pain.

Make sure that you consult a specialist immediately if the umbilical hernia becomes painful, swollen, discolored, is accompanied by vomiting, or does not decrease in size when lying down or under light pressure. The doctor will usually recommend surgery to treat the umbilical hernia. 

How Is An Umbilical Hernia Treated?

The treatment of the umbilical hernia depends on the severity of the hernia. Umbilical hernia in infants and children is usually a painless, harmless condition that closes on its own by the time they are 2 years old. 

However, surgical repair in children is recommended when the hernia:

  • The lump increases in size and becomes painful
  • Is slightly larger in diameter (1 to 2 cm)
  • Increases in size and does not subside over the first two years of life
  • Does not disappear by 5 years of age
  • Gets trapped or blocked within the intestine (incarcerated hernia)

The number of cases of umbilical hernia in adults is not that large. If the umbilical hernia is not causing any symptoms or pain, a wait-and-watch approach may be suggested. If the size of the lump increases and causes complications, surgery is the only recommended treatment option.

Surgical repair of the umbilical hernia may be carried out by the traditional open surgery technique or by the modern laparoscopic (keyhole incision) technique. 

How To Prepare For Laparoscopic Umbilical Hernia Repair?

These are the set of measures that you can follow before a laparoscopic umbilical hernia repair:

  • Before scheduling the surgery, discuss the entire procedure with the doctor, including its benefits and risks. Go over your expectations and any questions you may have. 
  • During your consultation, the doctor will also want to know your medical and surgical history in detail.
  • The doctor will perform a physical examination to ascertain the size and severity of the hernia. You can bring along pictures of the hernia if you wish to show them to the doctor. 
  • The doctor may also order imaging studies such as an abdominal ultrasound or a computed tomography (CT) scan.
  • Tell your doctor if you've ever had any previous surgeries, medication allergies, or drug side effects.
  • For a few weeks before the procedure, your doctor may advise you to avoid alcohol, cigarette smoking, and any blood thinner medications. 
  • Fasting for 6 to 8 hours prior to surgery is advised to avoid regurgitation of food while under general anesthesia.
  • You should arrange for someone to drive you back home from the hospital once the surgery is complete.

What Happens During Laparoscopic Umbilical Hernia Repair Surgery?

Following are the steps which are followed during the Laparoscopic Umbilical Hernia Repair: 

  • This is an outpatient procedure so you can go home on the same day after surgery.
  • You will be administered general anesthesia, which will put you to sleep and make the procedure painless.
  • Your surgeon makes a few tiny incisions around the belly button to gain access to the hernia.
  • To provide the surgeon with a clear view, carbon dioxide gas may be used to inflate the abdominal cavity. A laparoscope is then inserted through one of the incisions.
  • The laparoscope transmits images of the abdominal cavity onto a monitor, and the surgeon is able to access and analyze the hernia using these images.
  • Specialized surgical tools are inserted through the other incisions. The surgeon separates the herniated tissue from the surrounding tissues, and the hernia contents are pushed back to their original position through the abdominal wall.
  • In the case of adults, to ensure additional protection and to make sure that the hernia does not come back, the surgeon places a mesh around the hole in the abdominal wall before it is stitched closed. 
  • In the case of umbilical hernia in infants and children, a mesh placement may or may not be needed.
  • The incisions are closed through sutures (stitches) and a dressing is used to cover the site.

What Happens After a Laparoscopic Umbilical Hernia Repair?

These are the following set of instructions that you can follow to achieve a smoother and faster recovery:

  • Once the surgery ends, you will be kept in a recovery room for a few hours until you recover from the effect of anesthesia. Your vitals parameters like pulse, blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, etc., will be monitored.
  • If you are stable enough, you can go home on the same day. In some cases, an overnight stay in the hospital may be needed. 
  • Your doctor may ask you to walk a few steps 1-2 hours after the surgery, to promote blood circulation and to avoid any clot formation.
  • Before you go home, the doctor will prescribe medications, provide post-surgery care instructions, and decide on a follow-up appointment schedule. 
  • Mild bruising, pain, and swelling are normal and expected for at least a week after the surgery. These symptoms can be resolved with the help of prescribed pain medications.
  • Keep the bandage clean and dry; change it every 2 to 3 days as the trapped moisture can result in an infection. Follow the doctor’s instructions about showering and bathing. 
  • You can return to your usual diet from the next day. Drinking lots of fluids and eating a high-fiber diet can help reduce the chances of constipation and avoid straining on the toilet. 
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects and other strenuous activities for about 4 to 6 weeks. Complete recovery from the surgery can take that long. 

What Are The Benefits Of Laparoscopic Umbilical Hernia Repair?

Laparoscopic Umbilical hernia repair has the following benefits as traditional hernia repair surgery:

  • Reduced pain 
  • Faster recovery and return to routine life
  • Smaller incisions ensure more cosmetically pleasing results
  • Possibility of checking for and repairing a second hernia on the opposite side at the time of the surgery
  • Minimum incidents of wound healing complications

What Are The Risks Of Laparoscopic Umbilical Hernia Repair?

The risks associated with laparoscopic umbilical hernia repair surgery are very low unless you have some serious medical conditions. The complications generally seen with laparoscopic umbilical hernia repair are as follows: 

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Bruises at the surgical site
  • Anesthesia-related complications 
  • Hematoma (collection of blood at the wound site)
  • Seroma (collection of serum at the wound site)
  • Injury to the surrounding tissues and organs
  • Recurrence of hernia 

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