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Traditional Septoplasty

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Endoscopic Septoplasty

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Septoplasty with FESS

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Traditional Septoplasty

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Endoscopic Septoplasty

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Septoplasty with FESS

Types Of Septoplasty Surgeries

Based on the specific needs of a patient and the extent of his/her septum deviation, septoplasty can be carried out through varied approaches and techniques. Different types of septoplasty surgeries are as follows:

  • Traditional septoplasty: This is a standard way to carry out the procedure. The surgeon makes an incision inside the nostrils and removes/reshapes the deviated cartilage, thereby maintaining the structural integrity of the nose.
  • Endoscopic septoplasty: This approach involves the use of an instrument called an endoscope (a flexible tube with a camera and light at the end). The endoscope allows the surgeon to view the internal nasal structures with more clarity. This approach requires small incisions and is beneficial when targeting specific areas of deviation.
  • Submucous resection septoplasty: This is also a traditional approach, where a portion of the cartilage and bone are removed, and the mucous membrane is left intact. It is particularly useful for certain types of deviations.
  • Septal reconstruction: Septal reconstruction is a more comprehensive approach, applied when the septum is severely damaged, weakened, or deviated. This may involve the use of cartilage grafts as well to rebuild the septum.
  • Laser septoplasty: Here, laser technology is used to make precise incisions in the nasal septum or remove excess tissue that’s causing obstruction. However, this approach is not very suitable for complete septal correction because of limitations caused when addressing significant structural deviations.
  • Radiofrequency or ultrasound septoplasty: Suited for mild deviations, these are minimally invasive techniques, where radiofrequency energy or ultrasound is used for reshaping the septum while keeping the tissue intact.   

Types Of Septoplasty Surgeries

Choosing the right technique is important and it depends on factors like the severity of septal deviation and the presence of additional issues. A thorough discussion between the doctor and the patient is needed to determine the most appropriate technique for your specific case.

Difference Between Rhinoplasty And Septoplasty

Rhinoplasty is primarily a cosmetic procedure used to change the appearance of the nose, while septoplasty, as discussed, is a functional procedure to correct a deviated septum while also improving breathing. The key differences between rhinoplasty and septoplasty can be mentioned in the below table:

PurposeTo correct the septal deviation and improve breathingTo change the size, shape, or proportions of the nose
ScopeThe focus is on straightening the nasal septum by making changes in the bone and cartilage It can make changes in the nasal bones, soft tissues as well as cartilage
OutcomesTo improve airflow by correcting structural obstructionsUsually to improve the aesthetic appearance and in some cases to improve breathing
Surgical approachInternal incisions within the nostrils are involved  Internal incisions (closed rhinoplasty) or external incisions (open rhinoplasty) based on the extent of changes required  
Recovery timeRecovery is shorter, swelling subsides within a few weeksRecovery takes a long time; swelling may persist over months
Risks and complicationsBleeding, infection, perforation of the septum, aesthetic dissatisfactionDifficulty breathing, need for revision surgery, dissatisfaction with results













Rhinoplasty vs Septoplasty

Sometimes, both rhinoplasty and septoplasty may be done together to address both aesthetic as well as functional concerns.

Septoplasty Surgery Procedure

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure for the correction of a deviated septum and for the improvement of nasal airflow and function. A septoplasty or deviated septum surgery involves the following steps.

  • Preoperative assessment: The doctor evaluates your medical history and then does a detailed examination of the nose. This may require a physical examination, nasal endoscopy, and imaging tests like CT scans. 
  • Preparatory measures: You are instructed on medication intake, fasting and other measures to be well-prepared for the surgical intervention.
  • Anesthesia: On the day of surgery, the patient is administered general or regional anesthesia.
  • Incision: A small incision is made inside the nostril to access the septum. This is done while ensuring that no visible scars are left on the external nose.
  • Correction: Now the surgeon removes or reshapes the deviated parts of the bone and cartilage. S/he may also cut and reposition segments of the septum for optimum straightening results.
  • Reconstruction: If required, s/he may also use splints, packing material, or stitches to stabilize the septum while it heals.
  • Closure: Finally, the incision is closed using (dissolvable) sutures.

Septoplasty Surgery Procedure

The deviated nasal septum surgery requires 30-90 minutes to complete. The time duration varies with the complexity of the septal deviation and the need for additional procedures. 

What Happens After Septoplasty Surgery - Recovery and Outlook

Recovery after a septoplasty surgery is crucial for optimal healing and the procedure’s success. Here’s the typical recovery and outlook post-surgery:

  • Immediate postoperative period: Immediately after the surgery, the patient has to keep his/her head elevated to reduce bleeding and swelling. Most patients are able to go home the very same day of the surgery.
  • First week: Medications are used to manage pain, swelling, and bruising around the nose and under the eyes, which are common in the first few days. The patient is advised not to blow their nose so as to prevent extra bleeding and shifting of the newly aligned septum. 
  • Following weeks: Strenuous activities are to be avoided during this phase, that is, for several weeks. All follow-up appointments are to be attended to monitor healing and remove any splints.

Most patients experience a positive outlook post-septoplasty. They undergo improvement in nasal breathing and reduced nasal congestion.

Septoplasty - Risks / Benefits

Septoplasty surgery or deviated nasal septum operation offers several benefits but also comes with certain risks. Understanding them helps make informed decisions. The benefits and risks of septoplasty are:


  • Some bleeding is common, although excessive bleeding needs medical intervention.
  • There is a chance that an infection can develop at the surgical site.
  • Rarely, a hole in the septum (septal perforation) can occur in case of an injury to both sides of the septum during surgery.
  • Sometimes, there can be dissatisfying cosmetic outcomes.
  • There may be a possibility of the symptoms like nasal obstruction persisting even after surgery.
  • There may be a need for a revision surgery in case of unsatisfactory results.


  • Improved nasal breathing
  • Reduced nasal congestion and snoring
  • Reduced incidence of sinus infections
  • Better quality of sleep
  • Minimal scarring

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