Hernia is a condition that occurs due to abnormal bulging or protrusion of any organ or tissue through a weakened muscle wall. These lumps are usually small in size with no significant symptom and may go unnoticed most of the time. Hernias occur mainly due to an increased pressure caused due to excess strain exerted by certain vigorous and strenuous activities and exercises, like chronic (long-lasting) cough and constipation, and muscle injury or damage. When hernias enlarge in size they may present with certain characteristic symptoms depending on the area being affected, like the presence of an obvious bulge in the affected area, abdominal and pelvic pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, acid reflux, chest pain, and shortness of breath. These usually do not require any treatment initially but as they enlarge in size they may lead to certain life-threatening complications like obstruction (a part of your hernia gets trapped or blocked within the surrounding tissue) and strangulation (a condition when the trapped part of your hernia is deprived of the blood supply). This requires surgical intervention through open or laparoscopic surgery.
Recovery usually takes around 3 to 6 weeks, depending on the type of surgical intervention and the severity of the condition. It is a crucial period which requires you to have a good immune system for faster healing and minimal post-op complications. This can be determined by the diet you follow since a healthy diet provides your body with the necessary energy and acts as a fuel to heal.
Scroll down to know more about the dietary changes that are required post hernia surgery, to stay fit!
Eating a healthy and balanced diet with proper hydration after hernia surgery is a very important factor to your road to a full recovery. This encourages your body to flush out the toxins and aids in faster healing. You need to ensure your body gets the required vitamins and minerals which is possible through a proper healthy diet, or through supplements, if a balanced diet is not possible. The importance of eating a healthy, and balanced diet cannot be overlooked since it provides your body with the necessary nutrients that boosts your immune system to fight infections and prevent post-op complications.
Following a balanced diet is important post surgery especially to avoid constipation which may put unnecessary strain during the bowel movements. During the surgery a part of your stomach is loosely wrapped around your esophagus (food pipe) which may cause some swelling and takes several weeks to settle down. Hence it is important you keep a check on your diet and eat foods that are easily digested for the initial few weeks post surgery. The main aim is to prevent constipation, or excess cough or sneezing, that may lead to unnecessary straining of muscles around the operated site.
Also Read: workout after hernia surgery
The main purpose of dietary changes after a hernia surgery is to have smooth bowel movements to avoid excess strain that may lead to post-op complications and recurrence. Include the following foods in your diet:
Although diet is an important factor to accelerate healing, certain foods should be avoided since they have a negative impact on your body. These include:
Related Information: Hernia surgery and treatments
Hernias need surgical repair when they cause symptoms like an increased bulge, excess abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, acid reflux, chest pain and shortness of breath. Depending on the severity of the condition and type of surgical approach, recovery after hernia surgery takes around 3 to 6 weeks (approximately). This is a crucial period for healing which can be accelerated by boosting your immunity through certain foods mentioned above in the article. However, you need to keep in mind to avoid certain foods to promote healing and prevent strain on your muscles around the operated site. This helps to prevent any post-op complications and recurrence.
For further queries, contact our team of highly qualified dieticians and nutritionists at Medfin, who will help you chalk out a diet chart to enhance your healing process!
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