You can be sure of the surgical and other treatment options for uterine fibroids only if you understand the types of uterine fibroids. The types of uterine fibroids are as below.
If uterine fibroids are small and don’t produce any symptoms, then the doctor might not suggest treatment. This is because the treatment or surgical options for uterine fibroids depends on their types and their location. Read the following sections to understand the types of fibroids.
There are three types of uterine fibroids which are classified based on their location. They are:
1. Intramural Fibroids
2. Subserosal Fibroids
3. Submucosal Fibroids
Schematic drawing of various types of uterine fibroids: subserosal, intramural, submucosal, and pedunculated fibroids. Female reproductive system (internal sex organs). uterus with broad ligament on the white background. Human anatomy
These are the most common type of uterine fibroids and they are located in the muscular wall of the uterus. They start as a small nodule and with time they expand inwards. This might lead to distortion or stretching of the womb. If this happens, then doctors may suggest surgery. But if intramural fibroids are small and do not show any symptoms, doctors may opt for other treatment options.
These are located outside of the uterus. Subserosal fibroids can grow out of the surface and remain attached by a small piece of tissue. These type of fibroids are known as pedunculated subserosal fibroids. Subserosal fibroids can grow larger and might cause pain because of their size or pressure which they exert on nearby organs. Sometimes these pedunculated growths can detach from the uterus and might become a parasitic leiomyoma.
They grow in the muscle beneath the endometrium of the uterus. Even if they are small fibroids, they can crowd into the uterus cavity and might lead to heavy bleeding and serious complications. Submucosal Fibroids can grow into the uterine cavity and they can remain attached by a small piece of tissue. And these Type of Uterine Fibroids is called Pedunculated Submucosal Fibroids. These are termed as intra-cavity fibroids and they can be passed through the cervix.
Once you understand the types, consult a doctor for discussing the treatment and surgical options.
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