
General Surgeries / Varicocele

Varicocele Embolization Repair for Infertility: A Comprehensive Look

Infertility among men is a matter of concern for many couples worldwide. One prevalent condition leading to male…

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by admin

14th September 2023

6 minutes read

Non-surgical treatment for varicocele-embolization

General Surgeries / Varicocele

How to Treat Varicoceles Without Surgery?

Varicoceles is a common condition where veins in the scrotum become enlarged and twisted, similar to varicose veins…

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by admin

13th September 2023

7 minutes read


Urology / Varicocele

Percutaneous Embolization: A Viable Treatment Option for Varicocele

Varicocele is a common condition affecting the veins within the scrotum. It may lead to reduced fertility, pain,…

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by admin

31st August 2023

6 minutes read


Conditions & Diseases / Varicocele / Vascular

10 Things you need to know about about Varicocele

If you do realize that you have varicocele, here are 10 things that you should know.

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by admin

17th December 2020

3 minutes read

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