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Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR) icon

Procedure Name

Open Circumcision
Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR) icon

Surgery Type

Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR) icon

Hospital Stay

Nil (Outpatient)/ 1 to 2 days
Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR) icon

Duration of Surgery

30 to 60 minutes
Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR) icon

Type of Anaesthesia

Local Anesthesia/ General Anesthesia
Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR) icon

Full Recovery

Babies - 7 to 10 days Adults- 4 to 6 weeks


Circumcision is the procedure of removal of the foreskin from the tip of the penis. The foreskin is a thin layer of skin that covers the tip and head of the penis (the male sexual organ). The foreskin is the location for several conditions like phimosis, paraphimosis, balanitis, penile cancer, etc. A circumcision is advised in these cases as a surgical solution. 
An open circumcision is a traditional way of removing the foreskin from the tip of the penis.. This procedure is commonly done in newborn babies. Depending on their medical history, adults and older boys may also be advised of this procedure. 
Open circumcision is an invasive procedure, and it takes comparatively longer to heal from this surgery in Delhi.

What Is An Open Circumcision?

Open circumcision is an invasive procedure to remove the foreskin from the penis. It is a procedure that is commonly done in baby boys. Adults with medical conditions affecting the foreskin may also be advised of this procedure. Open circumcision in Delhi is a painful procedure that involves cutting and stitching on the penis head. It is performed as an outpatient procedure but may also require you to stay at the hospital for 1 to 2 days. 
The conventional method of open circumcision is performed in two ways-

  • Dorsal Slit Technique: This is the most common method. In this method, the surgeon cuts the foreskin lengthwise from the tip of the penis and exposes the glans. No tissue is removed. The wound is closed with stitches. It is a preferred method for newborn babies. Adults also recommend this procedure.
  • Sleeve Resection Method: In this method, a circumferential incision is made near the tip of the penis and the strip of the foreskin is removed. This method is usually done in adults and young boys.

When Is An Open Circumcision Recommended?

Open circumcision is indicated in newborn babies who undergo circumcision for religious purposes and in older boys and men with any medical condition that affects the foreskin.
Here are some indications for open circumcision.

  • Phimosis: A condition where the foreskin cannot be retracted.
  • Paraphimosis: A condition where the retracted foreskin cannot be pulled back to its original place.
  • Balanitis: An inflammatory condition of the glans that is seen as redness, pain, and swelling.
  • Posthitis: An inflammatory condition of the foreskin that makes it red, swollen, and extremely tender.
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections: These infections may indicate a need for circumcision.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases: Like syphilis, gonorrhea, genital ulcers, HIV infection.
  • Trauma: Injuries to the penis may require foreskin removal to prevent scarring.

How to Prepare For an Open Circumcision?

An open circumcision is done to remove the foreskin from your penis. It is a lengthy, invasive, and complex procedure. Here is how you can prepare for this procedure.

Before the surgery:

  • Discuss your medical history with your surgeon and inform him about:-
    • All the medications that you are currently taking for your health conditions
    • Any dietary supplements and herbs that you are taking
    • Allergies towards medicines.
  • You can ask your surgeon to explain the procedure's details, outcome, and prognosis. You will be asked to sign an informed consent form agreeing to proceed with the surgery.
  • You will be asked to stop medications like blood thinners (to prevent excessive bleeding during and after surgery) a week before surgery.
  • You will be advised to take certain tests. These are tests done to diagnose the medical condition for which stapler circumcision surgery is recommended:-
    • Complete blood count- To check your overall health
    • Urinalysis-This test is done to check for bacterial and fungal infections in the urine.
    • Tissue culture- The discharge or pus from the foreskin is studied to check for the presence of infection
  • Dietary advice before surgery-
    • For infants and newborns, stop breastfeeding or formula feed 4 hours before the surgery
    • For children above 1 year of age, give only clear liquids for up to 2 hours before surgery
    • Do not feed solids to kids
    • For adults, do not eat or drink anything from 6 hours before the surgery
  • Arrange for time off from work as you cannot get back to work for at least a couple of days.
  • Open circumcision is an outpatient procedure, meaning you can go home the same day. In some cases, the surgeon may advise stay in the hospital for 1 to 2 days for observation.

How is Open Circumcision Performed?

An open circumcision is a lengthy process that takes about an hour to complete. The procedure is the same for infants and adults. Here is what happens during the surgery.

  • You will first be administered anesthesia. There are different techniques for administering anesthesia.
    • Dorsal penile nerve block- Anesthesia is applied to the dorsal nerve responsible for feeling in the penis. This nerve is found at the base of the penis.
    • Penile ring block- The anesthetic agent is injected in various places around the penile circumference, like a ring.
    • Caudal epidural block- The anesthetic is injected into the spine and affects the whole body.
    • In babies and young boys, general anesthesia and a dorsal nerve block are preferred.
  • Once you are sedated, the surgical area, i.e., the penis, is cleaned and disinfected.
  • Depending on the procedure, the incision is made, and the foreskin is excised.
  1. Dorsal Slit Technique
  • In this method, the surgeon cuts the foreskin lengthwise from the tip of the penis and exposes the glans. No tissue is removed. The cut tissue is stitched back to the remaining skin of the penis.
  • Excessive bleeding is controlled with direct pressure and electrocautery.
  • The wound is closed with absorbable sutures.
  • The surgeon then cleans and dresses the incision area.
  1. Sleeve Resection Method
  • In this method, the foreskin is retracted and a circumferential is made along the shaft.
  • Then the foreskin is brought back to its original place and another circumferential incision is made at the same position as the first.
  • A longitudinal cut is made between the two incisions and the strip of skin is removed.
  • The edges are pulled together and stitched together with absorbable sutures
  • The wound is then cleaned and dressed
  • Once the surgery is done, you will be moved to a recovery room for observation and further monitoring.

What To Expect After An Open Circumcision?

A stapler circumcision surgery in Delhi takes about 30 to 60 minutes to complete. Once the surgery is done, you will be moved to a recovery room.

After The Procedure

  • After the surgery, you will be wheeled into the recovery room. Your vitals, like your pulse rate, respiratory rate, temperature, and blood pressure, will be monitored.
  • The tip of your penis may look sore. There will be some swelling and pain after the procedure.
  • Once your vitals are stable, you may go home.
  • If you are advised to stay in the hospital for 1 to 2 days, you will be shifted to your room. The nursing staff will regularly check your wound for bleeding and signs of infection. The wound also requires cleaning and dressing regularly, which the nurses will take care of.
  • On the day of discharge, you will be given detailed instructions on how to care for your circumcised penis at home. Recovery from open circumcision takes a long time. You will need to rest completely for the first couple of days. 
  • Your wound will take up to 4 to 6 weeks to heal. Babies wound heal faster in 7 to 10 days

Here is what you can do at home to recover faster:

  • Follow all the instructions given to you on discharge.
  • Take the prescribed medications regularly.
  • Avoid any form of pressure on the penis.
  • For babies and infants, makes sure not to wet the area until it is healed, and avoid any tight clothing.
  • For older boys and adults, avoid washing the penis till it has healed completely. Make sure the area is dried well after every act of urination. Wear loose-fitting underwear and avoid sexual activities for 2 to 4 weeks till the wound heals completely.

What Are The Benefits And Risks Of Open Circumcision?

An open circumcision may be recommended for several medical and non-medical reasons. As with all surgeries, this surgery comes with its risks and benefits. 

Benefits of Open Circumcision

  • Freedom from diseases like phimosis, paraphimosis, etc.
  • Decreases chances of repeated urinary tract infections.
  • Low risk of contracting or transmitting STDs like syphilis, gonorrhea, and HIV infection
  • Low risk of penile cancer

Risks of Open Circumcision

  • Lengthy procedure
  • Long recovery period. 
  • An invasive procedure that involves blood loss and lots of incisions
  • High chances of infection
  • Involves the possibility of an allergic reaction to anesthesia
  • Extreme pain and agony after the procedure
  • Permanent altered sensation in your penis
  • High chances of postoperative hematoma (collection of blood under the skin)
  • High chance of meatal stenosis, a condition in which there is difficulty in urinating due to the narrowing of the urethral opening.

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Surgery can be a daunting aspect, and feeling anxious is absolutely normal. The massive amount of information you can get from the internet may confuse you even more. This is where Medfin can help. Leave us the hefty task of finding the best hospital, the finest doctor, and the latest procedure at the lowest cost. Let us take charge while you sit back and focus on your health and recovery. Think surgery! Think Medfin!

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