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Abscess Surgery

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Percutaneous Abscess Drainage

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Abscess Surgery

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Percutaneous Abscess Drainage


Abscess is a collection or pocket of pus (pus is a viscous fluid made up of dead tissue, white blood cells, and pathogens). It is usually painful and may feel like a thick, swollen bulge when touched. Abscesses can cause pain, swelling, and redness in the affected area. They may also cause fever, chills, and other symptoms if the infection spreads to other parts of the body. Treatment for an abscess typically involves draining the pus and treating the underlying infection with antibiotics or other medications. Surgical intervention may sometimes be necessary to remove the abscess completely.  

What Is An Abscess?

Abscess develops when your body encounters a pathogen's interaction (pathogens are disease-causing organisms). Whenever your body's immune system encounters a pathogen interaction, the body starts off its preparation to fight against the infection by generating primary and secondary responses. White blood cells, which are also known as the fighter cells of the human body, rush to the site and accumulate there to stop the further spread of infection. This can lead to a localized collection of pus that forms within the tissues of the body, which is called an abscess.

What Are The Types Of Abscesses?

Based on their location, abscesses can be of different types: 

1. Skin Abscess (Cutaneous Abscess): A skin abscess looks more like a pimple; it appears a boil on or inside the skin, and if internal, it is situated deep inside the skin.  Skin abscesses might appear puffy and red. They are very common and easy to treat.

Some of the subtypes include:

  • Furuncle or boil: It is also known as a boil, which is a deep-seated skin abscess that forms around a hair follicle. It is often caused by a bacterial infection and can be very painful.
  • Carbuncle: It is a larger abscess that occurs when several furuncles merge together. It is usually accompanied by fever and can be more serious than a furuncle.
  • Hidradenitis suppurativa: It is a chronic skin condition that forms abscesses and boils in areas with sweat glands, such as the armpits and groin.
  • Pilonidal cyst: A pilonidal cyst is an abscess that forms in the crease between the buttocks, often caused by ingrown hairs or trauma.

2. Oral Abscess: These abscesses can affect your teeth, gums, and throat. An abscess that develops around a tooth is called a "tooth abscess" (dental abscess). Several types of tooth abscesses include

  • Gum abscesses: A gingival abscess is sometimes called a gum abscess. They usually form in the gum tissue. Generally, it has no effect on your teeth.
  • Periapical abscess: An infection that develops near the end of your tooth's root is known as a periapical abscess. Cavities or tooth traumas may lead to this kind of abscess.
  • Periodontal abscess: The tissues and bones that support your teeth are harmed by a periodontal abscess. 

3. Internal Abscesses: Although they are much less common than the other types, internal abscesses can form on your brain, spinal cord, and other organs. Interior abscesses are typically more difficult to identify and manage.

  • Abdominal abscess: An abdominal abscess is a collection of pus inside your abdomen (abdomen). It might be inside, next to, or outside your pancreas, liver, kidneys, or other organs.
  • Spinal cord abscess: An accumulation of pus in and around the spinal cord is known as a spinal cord abscess. A spinal cord abscess is typically caused by an infection on your spine.
  • Brain abscess: A brain abscess is a very rare collection of pus in the brain. If bacteria from an infection elsewhere in your body, in your blood, or from a wound penetrate your brain, an abscess could develop there.

How Is An Abscess Developed?

Abscesses are typically caused by bacterial infections. The most common causative organism being the bacteria Staphylococcus. Occasionally, abscesses can be brought on by fungi, viruses, or parasites.

During a bacterial invasion, the immune system of the body becomes active and commands the white blood cells to fight against the infection. This can lead to inflammation and damage to the surrounding tissues.  This aids in the development of a pocket-like structure filled with pus, which is known as an abscess. 

How Does An Abscess Appear?

You may be able to see an abscess under your skin very easily. It could appear red, raised, and swollen.  It could feel warm and sensitive to the touch. A skin abscess can also cause discomfort, fever, and chills. In the case of a dental abscess, a strong toothache could be brought on by an abscess in your mouth. A gum abscess appears as gum swelling. Your cheeks, jaw, or mouth floor may occasionally be inflamed.  

The symptoms are less visible for deeper skin abscesses or those inside your body. You might encounter:

  • High fever and chills 
  • Fatigue
  • Excessive sweating 
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of weight 

What Are The Diagnostic Methods For Abscess?

There are two main types of methods for diagnosing the Abscess 

  • Physical examination: Through a physical examination, your healthcare professional can determine whether you have a skin abscess. The abscess will be examined, and your symptoms will be monitored. The healthcare professional will collect a sample of your abscess pus for analysis. Your healthcare professional can determine the type of bacteria causing the abscess using the pus sample. This will enable them to select the most appropriate treatment in Kumbakonam.
  • Imaging Tests: In the cases of internal abscess, imaging examination is recommended as these abscesses are generally deep inside the skin and they are more difficult to diagnose. Your doctor might recommend you undergo some Imaging tests to understand the condition. These tests could include:
    • MRI Scan: MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging.  An MRI scan produces detailed images of your organs and body structures using a powerful magnet, radio waves, and a computer.  
    • CT scan: CT scan stands for computed tomography, which produces images of a cross-section of your body using X-rays and computers.
    • Ultrasound: It is a safe medical imaging procedure that uses sound waves to produce a live view of your interior organs.

Treatment Options For Abscess in Kumbakonam

There are several methods to treat the abscess depending on its severity and type 

  • Home remedies: An abscess that is very small or close to the skin's surface could go away on its own. A mild abscess can be easily managed at home by doing self-care and following a few simple steps 
    • By placing a warm compress on the affected area, you might be able to clear up an abscess. 
    • Cleansing with saltwater can aid in clearing an abscess.
    • By Press the affected area with cloth wrapped in ice, or with icepacks.
  • Medications: Depending on the abscess's severity and symptoms, your doctor may advise taking an oral antibiotic. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics such as cephalexin and dicloxacillin depending upon the causative organism.
  • Drainage: If the abscess doesn't get better on its own, or with the help of antibiotics, you may require drainage.  Your doctor will opt for the drainage method, to perform a drainage procedure your doctor will 
    • Your healthcare professional will first numb the region around the abscess using a local anesthetic.
    • A very small incision will be made in the abscess by your healthcare provider.  
    • They'll let the abscess drain to get rid of any pus, dzead tissue, and debris that are still there. To allow any residual pus to drain, the abscess will stay open.
    • For larger abscesses, they might pack the open abscesses with gauze. After that, they'll cover it with a fresh, dry bandage.
    • The incision will heal naturally. A scar may form at the site indicating that the abscess is healing. 
  • Needle aspiration: Your healthcare professional might use needle aspiration to treat internal abscesses, as internal abscesses are hard to detect your doctor will use the imaging technique to locate the abscess.
    • You'll be given either local or general anesthetic depending on where the abscess is located.
    • A CT or ultrasound scan will be used to direct a needle into position. 
    • Using the needle, your doctor will drain the abscess. 
    • The doctor will make a tiny incision in your skin and place a drainage catheter, which is a thin plastic tube. 
    • The abscess can drain into a bag with the help of the catheter. 
    • You might need to keep the bag there for a week or longer.

How To Prevent Abscesses?

Keep your skin dry and clean to avoid skin abscesses. Most skin abscesses are caused by bacteria entering small wounds. A skin abscess might not always be preventable. There are, however, measures to reduce your risk of contracting the infection that frequently results in an abscess. You can also do the following to avoid skin abscesses:

  • Practice good oral hygiene: Brush your teeth twice a day and floss regularly to prevent dental abscesses.
  • Keep your skin clean: Wash your skin with soap and water regularly, especially after activities that involve sweating.
  • Don't share personal items: Avoid sharing personal items such as towels, razors, and toothbrushes with others to reduce the risk of bacterial infections.
  • Practice safe sex: Use condoms and practice good hygiene to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections, which can lead to pelvic abscesses.
  • Treat underlying medical conditions: If you have a medical condition that weakens your immune system, such as diabetes, HIV/AIDS, or cancer, make sure to manage it properly to reduce the risk of infections.
  • Get vaccinated: Vaccinations can help prevent some types of infections that can lead to abscesses, such as tetanus and hepatitis B.

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