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A sebaceous cyst is a slow-growing, fluid-filled, dome-shaped, yellow or white lump originating from the sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands are tiny glands located all over your body that produce a mixture of oils called sebum that coats your skin and hair. Sebaceous cysts can be treated by draining or surgically removing them. Minimal sebaceous cyst excision is one of the most widely used surgical methods performed through small incisions in the skin overlying the cyst. The procedure's benefits include minimal scarring due to small incisions (cuts), reduced bleeding, and post-op complications.
Sebaceous cysts are small, round lumps over the skin that are formed due to damaged or blocked sebaceous glands. The treatment for sebaceous cysts in Kumbakonam usually depends on their size and location. Smaller sebaceous cysts that are not bothersome can be left alone without any treatment.
However, aesthetically unpleasant and large cysts need to be treated through the following methods:
Steroid injections
Incision and drainage
Surgical removal
Conventional wide excision
Minimal excision
Punch excision
Laser-assisted excision
A minimal sebaceous cyst excision is a less invasive and successful procedure used to remove sebaceous cysts. It involves incisions measuring around 2 to 3 mm on the skin over the cyst using surgical instruments such as a scalpel (a surgical knife). Finger or digital pressure is applied over the cyst to express the cyst contents through a smaller opening than the actual size of the cyst. This will loosen the cyst wall from the surrounding tissues to facilitate the removal of the sac. The wound is usually not closed through stitches; instead, it is often left open and covered with a surgical dressing that must be changed every 2 days until the wound is healed completely.
Minimal excision surgery in Kumbakonam for a sebaceous cyst is usually recommended to treat sebaceous cysts that are not cured through other methods like steroid injections or drainage. The indications for the minimally invasive surgery in Kumbakonam for a sebaceous cyst include:
You must consult your doctor and discuss your symptoms (pain, swelling, fever, discomfort, etc.) associated with a sebaceous cyst, which will help your doctor further evaluate your condition.
Medical history
Your doctor will record your medical history to:
Your doctor will examine the cyst and the clinical features that are represented by the cyst, such as the shape, size, color, and mobility (if the cyst is freely movable)
Your doctor will order a few diagnostic tests to evaluate your general health and to determine the size and location of the sebaceous cyst. These include:
Minimal sebaceous cyst excision is a minimally invasive procedure (does not involve extensive cuts or bleeding) performed by a dermatologist (a doctor specializing in the disorders of skin, hair, and nails) or a general surgeon (a doctor who specializes in the surgical treatment of body tissues to treat medical conditions), usually under local anesthesia (a numbing agent that is used to numb only the area where it is injected).
Once the excision is completed, you will be shifted to the recovery room while your vitals (blood pressure, pulse, heart rate, sugar levels, etc.) will be monitored.
Minimal sebaceous cyst excision is a safe and widely used surgical technique to remove infected or inflamed sebaceous cysts. This is an effective surgical approach with the following benefits:
A few risks involve minimal excision technique of sebaceous cysts, like any other surgical procedure:
Surgery can be a daunting aspect, and feeling anxious is absolutely normal. The massive amount of information you can get from the internet may confuse you even more. This is where Medfin can help. Leave us the hefty task of finding the best hospital, the finest doctor, and the latest procedure at the lowest cost. Let us take charge while you sit back and focus on your health and recovery. Think surgery! Think Medfin!
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