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Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR) icon

Procedure Name

Laparoscopic Rectocele repair surgery
Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR) icon

Surgery Type

Minimally Invasive
Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR) icon

Hospital Stay

Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR) icon

Duration of Surgery

30-60 Mins
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Type of Anaesthesia

General Anesthesia
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Full Recovery

1-2 Weeks

What is meant by Laparoscopic Rectocele Repair Surgery?

Laparoscopic rectocele repair is a minimally invasive procedure used to correct a rectocele. A rectocele occurs when the rectal wall protrudes into the vagina, due to weakened pelvic muscles. During this procedure, the surgeon makes several small incisions in the abdomen. A laparoscope (a small camera) and various specialized instruments are inserted through these incisions. The surgeon then repairs the weakened rectal wall, often reinforcing it with a mesh. Compared to open surgery, laparoscopic surgery generally involves shorter hospital stays, quicker recovery, less pain, and less scarring.

How to Prepare for a Laparoscopic Rectocele Repair Surgery?

To prepare yourself and your home for laparoscopic rectocele repair surgery, there are a series of important pre-operative surgical instructions you must follow closely. The following are the few guidelines, that will help ensure a smooth surgery and recovery.

  • Medical Evaluation: Most surgeons require a physical examination, and a thorough medical evaluation, such as appropriate laboratory tests. Diagnostic imaging tests such as X-rays, MRI, and CT scans may also be ordered to better define the specific problem and plan the surgery.
  • Medication Review: Most people over 45 years of age take medication to thin the blood, which must be stopped before surgery to avoid undue bleeding. Also, it is wise to tell your physician about any over–the–counter herbal remedies or nutritional supplements you are taking as some may interfere with the anesthetic.
  • Preoperative Testing: The extent of testing varies according to the patient’s age, sex, and medical condition. For this reason, each patient must be evaluated before the surgery and any necessary preoperative tests must be ordered at that time.
  • Bowel Preparation: Certain types of surgery require you to follow a clear liquid diet and take laxatives the afternoon before surgery to clear the bowel. Any special bowel preparations will be explained to you before surgery.
  • Fasting: You should have nothing to eat or drink for six hours before your scheduled surgery time. Remove all lip or tongue jewelry before surgery. 
  • Transportation and Assistance: These types of surgery do not require an inpatient stay, but after the procedure, you should not be driving. Arrange in advance for someone to drive you home and make sure that you have an adult with you for the first 24 hours.
  • Home Preparation: Before surgery take the time to make some home preparation. Make sure that you have a comfortable area set up for sleeping. Stock your kitchen with easy-to-fix food as you will not feel like cooking. It may be helpful to have someone to assist you during the first couple of days.

You should always follow your healthcare provider’s directions and instructions. These instructions may vary based on your health and the particulars of the procedure being performed.

Recovery and Aftercare

There are several important parts of recovery and aftercare that you need to understand from your laparoscopic rectocele repair:

  • Hospital Stay: Patients are often admitted to the hospital for a short stay (around one to two days) so they can be closely watched for any complications.
  • Managing Pain: While you’ll never be pain-free for a gynecologic surgery, you’ll be given prescription medication to minimize discomfort. Take your medication exactly as directed and do not let the pain get out of control. Talk to your doctor if you aren't able to manage your pain.
  • Restrictions on Activity: There is no heavy lifting or exercise in the early weeks following surgery. Normal activity levels, such as going back to work, can be resumed gradually at your surgeon's instruction (usually around six weeks).
  • Bowel Movements: Constipation is common following this surgery. Avoid constipation by adding fiber to your diet (fiber-rich foods, fruits and vegetables, whole grains) and drinking plenty of fluids. You may need to take a stool softener. Remember not to strain during bowel movements.
  • Wound Care: Caring for your surgical incisions is important. Keep your incisions clean and dry and watch for signs of infection. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions.
  • Follow-Up Visits: You’ll need to schedule and keep regular visits with your surgeon to monitor how well you are healing.
  • Pelvic Floor Exercises: Strengthen your pelvic floor by doing Kegel exercises, if recommended by your surgeon, to help with urinary incontinence.
  • Sexual Activity: Your surgeon will give you clearance about when sexual intercourse can be resumed (usually about six weeks), to allow for proper healing. 
  • Avoiding Constipation: Maintain a diet high in fiber and fluids to avoid constipation, which strains the repair.
  • Rest and Recovery: Take it easy and get plenty of rest during your recovery.

Each patient's recovery will be different, so it's important to follow your doctor's instructions and ask questions if you are unsure about anything. Your healthcare team will give you personalized instructions for your medications, diet, exercise, and return to driving and work based on your surgery, your overall health, and your individual needs.

What are the Benefits and Risks of Laparoscopic Rectocele Repair Surgery?


  • Minimally Invasive: Small incisions mean less damage to the surrounding tissues and most importantly, less pain after surgery with a faster return to normal activity.
  • Recovery Time: The time to continue with normal activity is much more rapid.
  • Scarring: Instead of a large incision like that required for open repair, the smaller incisions lead to smaller or nearly unnoticeable scars for many patients and a more cosmetic result.
  • Symptoms: The surgery can significantly improve or eliminate symptoms like discomfort, constipation, and difficulties with sexual function.
  • Infection: Minimizing the size of the surgical incision tends to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Better Visualization: Using the laparoscope, the surgeon can see details of the hernia that cannot be seen with open surgery.


  • Complications of anesthesia: As with any surgery, there are risks associated with anesthesia, such as terrible responses or respiratory issues.
  • Bleeding: There is the potential for bleeding during or after surgery, however, it is usually low with laparoscopic techniques.
  • Infection: Even though it is minimal, any surgery has a possibility of infection at the incision cuts or inside the abdomen.
  • Bowel injury: There is a small chance that a hole could be made in the large or small bowel.
  • Bladder injury: There is a small chance of a hole in the bladder.
  • Recurrence of rectocele: There's a possibility of the rectocele recurring, requiring additional treatment.
  • Complications with mesh: If mesh is used to repair the rectocele, there are potential complications with the mesh itself; most of the time the body forms scar tissue over the mesh after it is placed to hold it in place.

Sexual dysfunction: Few women have problems with their sexual function after surgery.

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Surgery can be a daunting aspect, and feeling anxious is absolutely normal. The massive amount of information you can get from the internet may confuse you even more. This is where Medfin can help. Leave us the hefty task of finding the best hospital , the finest doctor, and the latest procedure at the lowest cost. Let us take charge while you sit back and focus on your health and recovery. Think surgery! Think Medfin! 

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