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Understanding the Anatomy of the Colon and Diverticula

Large Intestine (Colon)

The colon or large intestine is a key part of the digestive system. Here are its structural details:

The colon is 5 feet long and divided into several parts:

  • Cecum: It is the beginning of the colon, where the small intestine empties the digested food. 
  • Ascending colon: This part travels upward on your abdomen’s right side.
  • Transverse colon: It runs across the abdomen from left to right.
  • Descending colon: This portion of the colon runs down on the left side.
  • Sigmoid colon: This is the S-shaped section of the colon that connects to the rectum, leading to the anus through which feces are expelled.


Diverticula, the small pouches, are most commonly found in the sigmoid colon, but can also develop anywhere else in the colon. They form when the inside lining of the intestine pushes into weak spots in the outer wall.

Understanding this anatomy is crucial to diagnosing and treating diverticula.

Different Types Of Diverticulectomy Surgery

The table below presents the various types of diverticulectomy surgery:

Type of DiverticulectomyDescriptionAdvantagesIndications
Open (Traditional) DiverticulectomyA large incision is made in the abdomen to access the colon; the affected section is removed and the remaining healthy ends of the colon are reconnected
  • Direct access to the colon
  • Ability to comprehensively examine the abdominal cavity
  • Severe diverticulitis
  • Complications like perforation and abscess
Laparoscopic DiverticulectomyThe diseased section of the colon is removed after making several small incisions and using specialized instruments. It’s a minimally invasive procedure
  • Smaller incisions
  • Reduced postoperative pain
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Quicker recovery
  • Recurrent diverticulitis
  • Extensive complications
Robotic-assisted DiverticulectomyIt is similar to a laparoscopic surgery, but done with the use of a robotic system
  • Enhanced precision
  • 3D visualization
  • Instruments having a greater range of motion
  • Complex cases needing precise dissection
  • When laparoscopy is technically challenging
Sigmoid ColectomyA specific type of diverticulectomy that focuses on sigmoid colon removal; can be open, laparoscopic, or robotic-assisted
  • Target the most commonly affected area
  • Adaptation to the patient’s needs and the surgeon’s expertise 
Recurrent/complicated diverticulitis in the sigmoid colon
Primary Bowel Resection with AnastomosisRemoval of the diseased section of the colon, followed by reconnection of the healthy ends
  • Preserve the continuity of the colon
  • Avoid the need for temporary/permanent colostomy
  • When there are no severe complications or infections to prevent safe anastomosis
Bowel Resection with ColostomyDiverting the colon to an abdominal wall opening; is suitable when there is severe infection or when the tissues are not healthy enough for a safe anastomosis
  • Heal inflammation and infection
  • Can be reversed later to return to normal bowel function
  • Severe and complicated diverticula
  • Immediate anastomosis is not safe/possible

Choosing the types of surgery is done on the basis of the severity of the disease, the surgeon’s expertise, and the overall health and preferences of the patient.

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