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Chin Correction

Best Eye Lid Correction Surgery/Treatment in Pathankot

The best eyelid correction surgery or treatment in Pathankot for an individual depends on various factors such as their specific concerns, anatomy, and goals. However, common options include:

  • Blepharoplasty: This surgery reshapes the eyelids to create a smoother, firmer look.
  • Ptosis correction: This procedure elevates the upper eyelids to a more optimal position.
  • Canthoplasty: This procedure focuses on the outer corner of the eyelids, known as the canthus. It addresses issues such as eyelid laxity, drooping, or asymmetry

Eye Lid Correction Surgery

It's important to consult with a qualified ophthalmologist or plastic surgeon in Pathankot to determine which procedure is appropriate for your specific concerns and goals.

Important Things to Know Before an Eye Lid Correction Surgery

In preparation for eyelid correction surgery (blepharoplasty), it is crucial to be well-informed about the procedure and its possible implications. Here are some important considerations:

  • Have realistic expectations: Understand the results that the procedure can offer. Discuss your specific requirements, aims, and expectations with your plastic surgeon to guarantee that they're sensible and attainable.
  • Be cautious of the surgical risks: You should be familiar with potential dangers and complications linked with blepharoplasty, such as bleeding, scarring, infections, dry eyes, etc. 
  • Recovery process: The patient must understand the recovery timeline  and undertake the post-operative guidelines the physician prescribes for you. You can expect temporary swelling, or bruising in the early stages.
  • The results in the long run: You can talk to your surgeon regarding the long-term effects of the procedure and any precautions that you need to take.
  • Find out your surgeon's qualifications: Make sure that you choose an experienced surgeon who is well qualified and has good patient reviews.

Before and After an Eye Lid Correction Surgery

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“ After my consultation with the doctor, MEDFIN representative got me a fixed package cost that included my mothers initial tests, surgery cost. They also gave me stockings free for Rs. 3000 post the surgery. They kept up their promise they made”

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“ Thank you Medfin. They ensured the whole process from selecting a very experienced doctor to offering the latest procedure at a very reasonable price. They also arranged a follow up post my surgery with the doctor to ensure my recovery was on track. Thank you for being there throughout”

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