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Featured treatments

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Face Lift Surgery

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Forehead and Brow Lift

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Neck Lift

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Blepharoplasty (Eyelid correction)

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Chin Correction

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Face Lift Surgery

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Forehead and Brow Lift

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Neck Lift

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Blepharoplasty (Eyelid correction)

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Chin Correction

How To Prepare For a Chin Correction Surgery in Pathankot?

Preparing for a chin correction procedure involves the following steps:

  • Initial consultation: This involves discussing your goals with your surgeon, an assessment of your medical history, a physical examination, and some tests to make sure you are fit for the procedure.
  • Pre-operative instructions: You might need to make adjustments to the medications you are taking (if any), quit smoking, imit alcohol consumption, and follow other specific instructions provided to you.
  • Arrange for help: Make sure to arrange someone to drop you back home after the procedure. Also arrange for help with household chores as you recover.
  • Communicate with Your Surgeon: Communicate openly with your surgeon, ask any questions you may have, and discuss your expectations for the outcome of the procedure.


Being well-prepared and following the given instructions lowers the risks of any complications and infections. It also allows for a smooth recovery process.  

Why Choose Medfin in Pathankot

With the massive amount of information from all around you, it is normal to feel anxious or tense about getting surgery done. How to look for an experienced surgeon, how to select the right doctor, and what type of surgery to choose could be the questions racing through your mind. Not to worry when you have Medfin by your side. If you are looking for chin correction surgery in Pathankot, Medfin can be your perfect guide. We provide exceptional patient care that puts your health and safety first. Contact us today to find your virtual hospital in Pathankot for all your surgical needs. We can hold your hands from day one of consultation to your last follow-up appointment.

Before and After Chin Correction Surgery
Before and After Chin Correction Surgery.jpg

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“ Got to know about them from my friend. They got an appointment for only 299. Once the doctor confirmed that I needed the surgery they got me a fixed cost which included ALL the costs. No extra amounts were charged. Thank you Medfin”

Suresh Menon Hyderabad 8 days ago
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“ After my consultation with the doctor, MEDFIN representative got me a fixed package cost that included my mothers initial tests, surgery cost. They also gave me stockings free for Rs. 3000 post the surgery. They kept up their promise they made”

Radhika Iyer Mumbai 8 days ago
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“ Thank you Medfin. They ensured the whole process from selecting a very experienced doctor to offering the latest procedure at a very reasonable price. They also arranged a follow up post my surgery with the doctor to ensure my recovery was on track. Thank you for being there throughout”

Deepa Shree Bangalore 8 days ago
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