Get transparent and reliable estimates for your Arthroscopic PCL Repair Surgery cost in India
₹150000 - ₹174000
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The actual cost of treatment may vary as per the medical condition (s), patient acuity, co-morbidities & risk profile of the patient.
If length of stay exceeds the indicated/commonly accepted days for Procedures and surgeries then all cross consultations, high-end investigations, drugs, medicines, consumables & any additional procedure will be will be charged on actuals. The packages does not include charges for use of high end medical equipment like Robots, navigation equipment etc, used in the course of treatment.
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The PCL or posterior cruciate ligament is one of the strongest ligaments of the knee. It connects the two bones, the tibia, and femur, and prevents the tibia from moving too backward relative to the femur. Surgery may be required when the PCL gets damaged due to varying reasons. An arthroscopic PCL repair makes use of a specialized instrument called an arthroscope. It is nothing but a thin long tube with an attached camera that provides a live view of the knee structures during the procedure. The torn ligament is replaced with a graft to restore the stability and function of the knee joint. To know the cost of arthroscopic PCL repair surgery you must understand the factors evaluating the price along with the pre and post-operative expenses.
The following factors can influence the cost of an arthroscopic PCL repair surgery:
These are the major factors that influence the cost of arthroscopic PCL repair surgery. It is essential that you discuss them with your healthcare provider in order to plan your expenses.
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excess hospitalisation days saved