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Featured treatments

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Chemical Cauterization Ear /Nose/Throat

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Excision Of Nose Granuloma

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Incision (Opening) And Destruction (Elimination) Of The Inner Ear

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Infected Sebaceous Cyst Neck Excision

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Lateral Rhinotomy

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Removal of Cyst & Benign Tumour of Palate

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Removal of Keratosis Obturans

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Removal Of Tumor Of External Auditory Canal

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Uvulo-palato Pharyngoplasty

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Excision of Branchial Cyst and Sinus

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Excision of Vocal Cord Polyp

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Facial Nerve Decompression/Repair

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Incision Of The Mastoid Process And Middle Ear

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Removal Of A Tympanic Drain

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Tongue Tie Release

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Chemical Cauterization Ear /Nose/Throat

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Excision Of Nose Granuloma

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Incision (Opening) And Destruction (Elimination) Of The Inner Ear

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Infected Sebaceous Cyst Neck Excision

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Lateral Rhinotomy

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Removal of Cyst & Benign Tumour of Palate

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Removal of Keratosis Obturans

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Removal Of Tumor Of External Auditory Canal

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Uvulo-palato Pharyngoplasty

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Excision of Branchial Cyst and Sinus

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Excision of Vocal Cord Polyp

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Facial Nerve Decompression/Repair

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Incision Of The Mastoid Process And Middle Ear

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Removal Of A Tympanic Drain

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Tongue Tie Release

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The earlobe is the fleshy, lower part of the external ear, composed primarily of skin and fat tissue. It lacks the cartilage found in the rest of the ear. Earlobe repair is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting various earlobe deformities, such as torn, stretched, or damaged earlobes. Common causes include trauma, prolonged use of heavy earrings, or intentional stretching (gauging). During the procedure, the surgeon carefully trims and sutures the damaged tissue to restore a natural-looking earlobe shape. Recovery typically involves minimal discomfort and downtime, with complete recovery within a few weeks. Read on to know more.

What is Meant by an Ear Lobule Repair?

Ear lobule repair, often referred to as earlobe repair, is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at correcting deformities or damage to the soft, fleshy lower part of the ear known as the earlobe. Common issues that may necessitate ear lobule repair include torn earlobes due to trauma or stretching from heavy earrings. During the procedure, the surgeon carefully trims and reshapes the damaged tissue before suturing it back together to restore a natural appearance. Ear lobule repair is typically performed under local anesthesia and involves minimal downtime, allowing patients to quickly return to their normal activities with rejuvenated earlobes.

When is an Ear Lobule Repair Recommended?

An earlobe repair, also known as a lobuloplasty, can be recommended under the following circumstances:

  • Earlobes that have been torn or split due to trauma or injury.
  • Earlobes that have been stretched or elongated due to heavy earrings or gauging.
  • Irregular earlobes ( shape or size), affect appearance.
  • Desire to restore the natural shape and appearance for cosmetic purposes.
  • Functional difficulties for example inability to wear earrings or other jewelry due to inappropriate size or shape of earlobe.

In general, surgery to repair the earlobes, known as lobuloplasty, is performed to improve appearance and correct functional problems with the earlobes.

How to Prepare for an Ear Lobule Repair?

To prepare for an ear lobe repair procedure (lobuloplasty), follow these steps:

  • Consultation: Schedule an appointment with a board-certified plastic surgeon to talk about your goals, medical history, and any concerns you may have.
  • Medical evaluation: Go through a careful medical evaluation, including an examination of your earlobes and general health.
  • Quit smoking: If you are a smoker, stop smoking several weeks before surgery to prevent problems and improve healing.
  • Medication review: Make sure to let your surgeon know about any medication, supplements, or herbs you are taking. Some of these could affect your surgery, and you may need to stop taking them.
  • Follow pre-operative instructions: strictly follow the pre-operative instructions that the surgeon gives you, like fasting before surgery, avoiding certain medications, and arranging for someone to take you home.

By adhering to these steps and engaging in open discussions with your doctor,  you can ensure a smooth and successful ear lobule repair surgery.

How is an Ear Lobule Repair Performed?

Earlobe repair, or lobuloplasty, is performed as an outpatient procedure with local anesthesia. The specific technique may vary depending on the extent of the deformity or injury to the earlobe. However, these general steps outline the process of an ear lobule repair:

  • Anesthesia: The surgeon will administrate local anesthesia to numb the earlobe and surrounding area, to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.
  • Incision: Your surgeon will make precise incisions along the edges of the torn or damaged earlobe, removing scar tissue and preparing the area for repair.
  • Shaping of the Tissue: Excess tissue may be reshaped or trimmed to achieve symmetry and restore the natural contour of the earlobe.
  • Suturing: Your surgeon will carefully suture the edges of the earlobe together using fine stitches. ensuring a secure and aesthetically pleasing closure.
  • Dressing: After the repair is complete, a small dressing or bandage may be placed over the incision site to protect the area and promote optimal healing.

The whole procedure typically lasts from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on how complex the repair is. Patients can usually go home the same day and healing does not usually take long and is often fairly comfortable.

What to Expect After an Ear Lobule Repair?

Once patients have undergone surgery to correct torn earlobes (lobuloplasty), they should be aware of their healing timeline and what they can expect to experience, as follows:

  • Bruising and Swelling: Mild bruising and swelling around the earlobe are common and generally subside in a couple of days to a week.
  • Pain: Some discomfort or burning can be experienced at the surgical site, but this can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication.
  • Dressing removal: The dressing or bandage applied to the surgical site is often taken off in a day or two, the sutures, or stitches, will be removed in about one week. Wear the smaller dressing to prevent the site from injury.
  • Healing time: It can take a few weeks for the lobe to heal fully,  during healing time it's essential to avoid activities that could strain or injure the area.
  • Follow-up visits: Additional follow-up visits with your surgeon will be scheduled to watch over the healing process and results.

In general, patients can anticipate an easy recovery process with a short recovery period. However, it is necessary to follow all the surgeon’s post-operative directions to attain an optimal outcome and to keep the chance of difficulties as low as possible.

Why Choose Medfin?

Surgery can be a daunting aspect, and feeling anxious is normal. The massive amount of information you can get from the internet may confuse you even more. This is where Medfin can help. Leave us the hefty task of finding the best hospital, the finest doctor, and the latest procedure at the lowest cost. Let us take charge while you sit back and focus on your health and recovery. Think surgery, Think Medfin!

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“ Thank you Medfin. They ensured the whole process from selecting a very experienced doctor to offering the latest procedure at a very reasonable price. They also arranged a follow up post my surgery with the doctor to ensure my recovery was on track. Thank you for being there throughout”

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