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Scarless Lipoma Excision

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Lipoma Excision

Quick and easy removal with lipoma excision surgery.

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The power of Medfin in Patient's words

Radhika Iyer shade-circle

After my consultation with the doctor, MEDFIN representative got me a fixed package cost that included my mothers initial tests, surgery cost. They also gave me stockings free for Rs. 3000 post the surgery. They kept up their promise they made

Radhika Iyer
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It varies from person to person. It must be worn at all times (except for eating and bathing), even while you are asleep.

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Deepa Shree shade-circle

Thank you Medfin. They ensured the whole process from selecting a very experienced doctor to offering the latest procedure at a very reasonable price. They also arranged a follow up post my surgery with the doctor to ensure my recovery was on track. Thank you for being there throughout

Deepa Shree
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Need Surgery? Think Medfin - The surgery experts

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Those who are above the age of 40 and have other genetic factors that can contribute as risk factors must go for annual eye exams. e.g. Family history of retinal disease, heart disease patients, and metabolic diseases like diabetes.

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All your questions answered

Doctor, I've had this lipoma for several years, but it seems to have grown quite rapidly recently. Is this something to be concerned about?

Lipomas are usually harmless lumps made of fat. But if yours has suddenly gotten bigger or changed in any way, we should check it out. Read more

Niranjan P Profile.image
215 days ago by

Dr. Niranjan P

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